Jardín en el Mar is the story of an exceptional project. Several years ago, a group of enthusiastic and committed people started to work for the protection of the Islands in the Sea of Cortez in Baja California Sur, Mexico. Thanks to this effort all the Islands became a UNESCO world heritage side, but the story of Espíritu Santo island is especially remarkable. It was bought back from different owners and donated to the people of Mexico for its conservation in perpetuity.
To celebrate the success of all the efforts and to remind people of our close relation to the ocean, renowned Spanish artist Cristina Iglesias was asked to make a piece of art for the Island. Cristina decided to create a "Garden in the Sea", a labyrinth-like setting of various screens sunk into the sea, that nature will grow over, generating marine life.
This documentary follows the 4-year process of the piece, but also dives deep into the beauty of the place, the heart and soul of the people involved and it makes a clear statement of how valuable and beautiful our blue planet is. It is a journey into a remote and mystic place full of wonders, but it also makes us aware of the delicate situation confronted by nature.